
Archive for the ‘Snake Hole Hike’ Category

Snake Hole

In Snake Hole Hike, Virginia Swimming Holes on July 26, 2015 at 8:59 pm


If you have read any of our other hiking posts, you are well aware that I am morbidly afraid of snakes.  So, why would I willingly advocate to a hike dubbed Snake Hole?  Well, first off, in my research, I read (and I quote)  ‘don’t let the name fool you, I go there weekly and have never seen a snake’.  And secondly,  I am a sucker for a good swimming hole….and really wanted to see what Stevie the Wonder Dog would make of one.

The dogs checking out snake hole!

The dogs checking out snake hole!

The location of this hike is past the Charlottesville Reservoir.  It is a pretty long haul for us from Harrisonburg….but after church, we had no other commitments…..and the day was gorgeous, so we loaded lots of towels….and the dogs into the car and off we went.  It seems half of Central Virginia (or more) had the same idea!

I am going to keep this blog post short.  This is a great hike……If you live close, and if you would go during the week.  For us, it was neither.  If you chose to check out this hike, be not afraid of slithering reptiles, but rather of the parking lot!  (I actually wish I had a picture to share of the parking lot because it would scare any sane person away!)  And not just the parking lot, but also quarter of a mile prior to the parking lot, where people just haphazardly park on the side of a very narrow road.

Snake hole is very popular, as are two other swimming holes you can access  from this parking lot:  Blue Hole and Sugar Hollow.  There  are a few other hikes you can take from there….and  a big chunk of the Moorman River is accessed by  this parking lot.  And all told, it draws masses.

JJ braving the COLD water!!!

JJ braving the COLD water!!!

We timed our arrival just right….because some one was pulling out just as we arrived.   And, at the time, thought ourselves lucky…..until we spent a good 20 minutes and about 100 point turns trying to navigate our way out post hike! (Kudos to Mickey, and his driving skills learned in the fire department).

There are a lot of great hang out places above the falls, if you can snag them!

There are a lot of great hang out places above the falls, if you can snag them!

The hike itself is lovely….just under a mile into a very nice swimming hole.  Its beautiful, really.  But, the crowds really just spoiled it for all of us.  I guess if you arrive early and stake out your spot, you can get some nice ones up on the rocks above the falls.  But, you will still have to contend with the masses all day.    And that gets tedious, no matter how nice they all may be.

Stevie the Wonder Dog seemed to really enjoy the water!

Stevie the Wonder Dog seemed to really enjoy the water!

Then, consider the dogs.  Its a great place for them.  (Stevie the Wonder Dog seemed to love it, as did J-Wow).  There are lots of dog there with their humans……and their humans routinely let them off their leashes. Typically those dogs are quite well behaved, and it is not an issue…..yet it only takes one for it to become an issue.  We did not have any ‘issues’ but a few near misses.  Because dogs can be unpredicatable especially with so much stimulus around them.

I really hate to hate on Snake Hole and its counterpoints along the Mormans River …..the area really is beautiful, and I can see why it is popular.  But, its popularity is also its worst feature.   Our advice, look elsewhere 😦

Bu, if you do brave it…..plan to make a day of it in the area and check out Crozet pizza.  A hidden gem for sure.

I will actually close with an ‘on second thought’……maybe the crowds are a better companion than the snakes themselves.  Maybe without people, the snakes are more prevalent……Snake Hole had to get its name somehow……..

To end on a positive note……I did make one of my favorite ‘rocks’  from this hike.  On each hike we pick up a rock and decorate it for our ‘rock garden’.  Simple and easy for Snake Hole:IMG_1597