
Archive for the ‘First Landing State Park’ Category

Biking Through First Landing State Park

In First Landing State Park on July 1, 2014 at 7:36 pm
Mickey running and the boys biking in First Landing State Park

Mickey running and the boys biking in First Landing State Park

As has been the case for the past year, and will probably be for the foreseeable future, our family recreation time is centered around requirements Billy and JJ  are pursuing for scouts.  For two years, we worked on earning belt loops and pins through the Cub Scouts Sports and Academic program.    And through that, we discovered things we really enjoy as a family that we may not have known without the spur by scouts:  chess, geography, tennis, kickball and basketball, just to name a few.  Now that Billy has crossed over to the troop, he is tasked with earning Merit Badges.  And the first one he set his sights on is Cycling.  Among the many requirements for the badge is a series of progressively longer bike rides.  He has tackled the shorter mileage ones around town, accompanying Mickey on his weekend runs.   But, for the two 25 milers, and a 50 miler, we knew it would behoove us to get away from the hills of Harrisonburg.

Since we were going to be in Virginia Beach for the weekend, we decided to take our bikes and tackle First Landing State Park.  We were staying out by the Chesapeake Bay Bridge tunnel…..and knew right where an entrance to that multi-use trail system is located.  We are actually pretty familiar with this park, having done some running  over the years there.   We knew if you followed the main trail (Cape Henry) from out starting point, it would spill us out onto the oceanfront area after about 6 1/2 miles.  Tacking on the boardwalk section, and we were going to be just a few miles short of our 25, which we just planned to backtrack a bit to reach the full mileage.

Lucky for us, we took a wrong turn, and encountered some wonderful scenery.  Since I am still not quite sure where we were, I will just let the pictures do the talking:


Billy on a mission to earn his cycling merit badge

Billy on a mission to earn his cycling merit badge

Part of our 'detour' took us through an amazing residental area.  This house had its own helicopter landing port.  Just like 'TC' on Magnum!

Part of our ‘detour’ took us through an amazing residential area. This house had its own helicopter landing port. Just like ‘TC’ on Magnum!










We spied an amazing osprey nest.

We spied an amazing osprey nest.



We also encountered a small 'beachfront' area on our trek.

We also encountered a small ‘beachfront’ area on our trek.

Our surroundings changed constantly on the whole 25 miles.  We certainly did not get bored!

Our surroundings changed constantly on the whole 25 miles. We certainly did not get bored!

Beauty around every corner.

Beauty around every corner.













There are a lot of 'spur' trails from the main trail in First Landing State park.  We were so glad for our 'detour'!

There are a lot of ‘spur’ trails from the main trail in First Landing State park. We were so glad for our ‘detour’!


There are so many connecting trails, you could ride forever in VA Beach.  And at times, our 25 miles felt like we were!

There are so many connecting trails, you could ride forever in VA Beach. And at times, our 25 miles felt like we were!

At one point, we made our way back to the Cape Henry Trail, and then onto the Maritime Trail as we approached the oceanfront and the boardwalk.

Finally, the Boardwalk!

Finally, the Boardwalk!

Taking a much needed bathroom break on the boardwalk!  Pie soldiered through, despite not intending to do the whole 25 miles!

We were joined on this adventure by Aunt Pie, and our ‘Master Plan’ was this:  Mickey, though he has not fully committed, is thinking of doing a marathon this fall.  So, his intentions were a 15 mile ‘training run’.  JJ would stick with him.  Billy and I aimed for the full 25, and Pie was going to ‘hang’ with us, and at some point turn around and return with Mickey and JJ.  But, because of our detour, we lost connection with them…..and she was stuck doing the whole 25 miles with us.  Best laid plans…..especially since the three of us encountered  our ‘detour’  just about a minute after she said, ‘Yeah, I think I will turnaround soon!’  But, like a true Scout…..and those of us that engage in ‘scouting support’ she was PREPARED to solider on.  And, Billy and I so enjoyed her company.

Mango-Cream cheese French Toast!

Mango-Cream cheese French Toast!

Post excursion for us all, we met up at the ohhhh so delicious Citrus Cafe on West Great Neck  for a most deserving brunch.  This place is on the top of a lot of lists….and we try to partake of the awesomeness as much as we can on our visits to VA Beach.




We did it!

We did it!

I have to say, I never thought I was a biker at all.  Cycling classes hurt my knees….and road biking freaks me out.  In the last few years, Billy, JJ and I all frequent Hillendale Trails in Harrisonburg.  Which we all love.  But, I always thought that is an isolated experience.  I like trail biking, but cannot fathom real mountain biking with heavy elevation gain.  But, in researching other long (and flat trails) we can do, imagine my surprise that Virginia (and neighboring states) have a lot of bike trails waiting for us to discover.

So a new family hobby has been born.  Plans are being made for our next 25 miler…..maybe along the C&O railroad near Harpers Ferry, maybe on the Greenbrier Trail in West Virginia, or High Bridge near Richmond.  And then our 50 miler, on the Virginia Creeper Trail.    We will report it all back here on Virginiavinesandtrails!!!!

A 'selfie' passing Neptune!

A ‘selfie’ passing Neptune!